
We use the latest treatments to help resolve frustrating sinus problems that offer minimal discomfort, faster recovery and less downtime. Sinus surgery involves a surgical technique to help open the sinus drainage pathways and remove mucus from the sinuses, which helps to eliminate or decrease the number of infections.

The Balloon Sinuplasty procedure involves no cutting and no removal of the bone or tissue. A small, flexible balloon catheter is inserted in the blocked sinus passageway, allowing the built up mucus to drain from the sinus.


A septoplasty is a procedure performed to correct or repair an abnormality in the nasal septum that interferes with normal breathing. Abnormalities can develop from injury or trauma to the nose and face.

Ear Tubes

When fluid buildup and hearing loss persist or if infections recur with frequency, surgical placement of ventilation tubes may be required to prevent lasting hearing problems and other health complications. A surgical procedure is performed and the ventilation tube is placed in the eardrum to create an unblocked pathway out of the middle ear that allows fluid to drain, preventing the recurrence of buildup and infection.


An adenoidectomy is a surgical procedure performed to remove the enlarged or chronically infected adenoid. This procedure may be performed if chronic infection of the adenoid (sinusitis-like symptoms) persists despite adequate treatment; adenoid enlargement causes mouth breathing, nasal blockage, snoring and/or restless sleep; or you have recurrent ear infections.


A tonsillectomy is the surgical removal of the tonsils. It is done to treat sleep related breathing issues or frequent infections. Most of the time, surgeons remove all portions of your tonsils during the procedure, but some people might only need a partial tonsillectomy.

Contact information:
1455 29th Street,
West Des Moines, IA

Patient Reviews

"I love coming here. You all have honestly made me feel like I am the only patient in the facility. It seemed like my happiness, being comfortable, etc. REALLY MATTERED! I don't want to go anywhere else."


"Thanks for the great experience. It is refreshing to be around professional people who truly care."


"Everyone was very nice and good at their job. All had smiles and made me feel comfortable."


"The whole experience was wonderful!! Thank you for taking care of my daughter."


"Best experience I've had. Staff were knowledgeable, kind, and focused on me."


"The kindness and care I received made me feel like I was the only patient being cared for. Thank you!"

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